2021 Fiesta 5k Ole Fundraiser

Event Fundraiser: 2021 Fiesta 5k Ole
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AtWork! - Changing The Face Of Employment

AtWork! has continually worked to empower people with disabilities to be productive, integrated, and contributing members of their communities. AtWork! also supports people with disabilities to experience the joy and fulfillment of being productive, integrated and contributing members of their communities.

AtWork! provide people with disabilities with:
-Employment Services
-Community Inclusion
-High School Transition Services

Why support and work with AtWork!?
AtWork! supports employers and job seekers every step of the way with FREE personalized training, job coaching and guidance. AtWork! works with companies and job seekers to help find qualified candidates or structure jobs to help fit AtWork! job seekers - in turn benefiting employees and businesses alike.

Please take the time to help support AtWork! Your donation will continue to help keep these services free for the job seeker and potential employee!

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0% raised of $1,000.00 goal