Register for Pool Swim Sessions (Fall Season - 2020)

This registration link is for pool sessions at Fitness Alive on Wednesday evenings (8:15PM). We may add additional locations and times if the opportunity arises. Any payments will be credited accordingly, so please don't wait to register! Train for fitness, for a triathlon, an open water swim, or any other competition. Pool workouts are held year round. Location times and schedule may change, so stay tuned on our <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Facebook Group</a> for updates! Our participants come in all ages, abilities, and experience levels. Only pre-requisite is that you should be able to complete a 25 yard lap of the pool without stopping. <a href="!250&authkey=!AIseVoFb5gNec5k" target="_blank" rel="noopener">YOU MUST CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR TIME SLOT</a> Private Lessons, Video Analysis, and Swim/Tri Coaching also available with Coach John Kenny for an additional charge. John is a 5-time US National Champion and 7-time US National Team member in open water swimming. Contact for more details! Visit: