Mountain Man Memorial March 2021

Register for Mountain Man Memorial March 2021

The Mountain Man Memorial March consists of two main categories. The March and the Run: The Run portion of the event consists of four events. The full 26.2 mile marathon, a 13.1 half marathon, a 10 Km run and a 5Km run. The run events are divided into categories based on gender and age except for the 5K. The 5K run is added in 2020 as a noncompetitive option at a shorter distance. The March portion of the event has two distances the full 26.2 mile distance and the 13.1 mile 1/2 distance. The event can be completed as an individual or as part of a five person team. Competitors are further categorized into Military and Civilian categories. Competitors in the Military category (teams or individuals) must be affiliated with a military organization or military type organization. Military teams or individuals may register in the civilian categories but civilians without military affiliation may not register in military categories. The March categories are further divided into Heavy and Light categories. Heavy categories and Light categories have uniform and ruck sack weight requirements. See official rules for complete breakdown of Run categories and March Categories and uniform requirements.