Ohio Challenge Series

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Ohio Challenge Series SubWay Shearer's Second Sole

2015 Girl's On the Run 5K

Register for 2015 Girl's On the Run 5K

Are you up for an amazing celebration of girl power? The Girls on the Run 5K Run/Walk is the culminating celebration for over 700 3rd through 8th grade girls who have completed the 10-week Girls on the Run and Heart & Sole programs in Stark County. In the 10 weeks leading up to the 5k, these girls train with a team of close friends to empower their inner SuperSHEroes and complete the GOTR 5k Run/Walk. 

Defeat the Girl Box
Our inner Superheroes constantly battle the Girl Box. Yeah, the GIRL BOX. Walk down the doll aisle in any store, and you’ll see rows and rows of identical boxes. Lots and lots of perfect little boxes. Society pressures all women to fit into its version of these perfect little boxes: the Girl Box. Inside it, we’re trying to be who we’re told we’re supposed to be (you know—skinny, pretty, perfectly dressed, etc . . .), instead of being our truly awesome, amazing, powerful, unique selves. Isn’t it time you broke out of your Girl Box?